Developing Cognition

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Who Are We?

Developing Cognition provides training and consultancy in the areas of self-development, education and behavioural change. These services have been delivered to a wide range of clients in schools, universities, industry, and charities.

Our key focus is to draw heavily on academic research - converting those insights into useful and practical ideas. Only by getting people to engage in, and reflect upon, their learning can we hope to make a lasting positive difference.

Our services include:

  • Training Workshops & Learning: Creation and delivery of training modules.
  • Behaviour Change: 'Nudge' towards behaviours you want.
  • Formative Evaluation & Research: Improving existing training courses.

If you are interested then please get in touch, we would be happy to hear from you. You could also on twitter.




TEDxUCL - The Science Of Making Wishes Come True

My TEDx talk on social expectations, mental contrasting, and implementation intentions (aka WOOP / MCII). My gratitude goes out to Chip & Dan Heath, Gabriele Oettingen, and Peter Gollwitzer whose research brought these ideas to light.



Richard Batty - Board Intelligence
James' workshops perfectly combine his deep knowledge of psychology with the pragmatism of someone who has used the techniques to improve their life
Sam Hilton - UK Treasury policy advisor
James’ training is some of the best personal development training I have ever encountered and what he has taught me has stuck with me and still has a significant impact on my life years later

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